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12 Essentials You Need to Remember on Your Wedding Morning


The morning of your wedding day may be exciting, nerve-racking, and even a little stressful. But it’s vital that you make the most of the hours leading up to the ceremony and put yourself in the right frame of mind for the day ahead.

To help you do that, we’ll explore 12 essentials to remember on the morning of your wedding, from the importance of a good breakfast to getting your wedding rings ready.


Make the atmosphere as serene as possible



Planning and pulling off a great wedding day is a formidable challenge for even the calmest people, and the wedding morning can be particularly stressful. You have so much you want to get right. You want your guests to have a fantastic time. And you want to look your best in your hired suit or the most special dress you’ll ever buy.

With all this (and more) on your mind, it’s vital that you cultivate a relaxing, soothing atmosphere on your wedding morning. Think about what helps you unwind after a long day, and (if possible) do it.

That could be slipping your headphones on and listening to classical music, playing video games, or drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows. Whatever helps you relax, try to include it on the morning of your wedding day, even if just for a few minutes.


Make sure your wedding rings are safe, secure, and ready to wear


One of the groom’s most important actions before the wedding is checking that the best man has the wedding rings ready to go. Even if you trust your best man with your life, make sure you confirm they have the wedding rings in a safe pocket in their jacket or trousers.

It’s easy for the best man to feel overwhelmed by everything else that’s going on as the hours and minutes tick away on that big morning. They could set the wedding rings down in their room, get distracted, and forget all about them. And if they only remember when it’s time for them to hand your wedding rings over, well, that’s going to cause delays.

Fortunately, a quick check before the ceremony will set your mind at ease and remind the best man to keep your wedding rings safe.


Eat a nutritious breakfast to get energized



You may not necessarily feel like eating breakfast on the morning of your wedding day. Whether you’re ready to burst with excitement over marrying the most special person in your life, you feel nervous about your speech, or you tend to skip breakfast most days, eating anything may be out of the question.

However, if you skip breakfast, you’re more likely to feel tired and lack the energy you need for such a momentous day. And your belly might start rumbling while you’re exchanging vows. Do you really want to be distracted by visions of pizza or golden toast during one of the most important moments of your life?

You might not have time to prepare anything fancy, but there are plenty of fast, nutritious, delicious breakfast options to choose from. Scrambled eggs on wholewheat toast, Greek yogurt with granola and fruit, or even a muffin with a banana will give you the energy for an active morning.


Take it easy with any pre-wedding drinks


It’s common to have an alcoholic drink before a wedding. You might have a few glasses of champagne with your maid of honor, a beer with your best man, or a glass of wine while you mingle with your guests.

Whatever your tipple of choice, take care not to drink more than you should before the ceremony. A little of what you fancy could help you relax, but too much may leave you tired and make it harder to be fully present.

Not a fan of alcohol? Well, the same applies to coffee, energy drinks, or anything else with caffeine as a major ingredient. Drink too much of it and you might find that any anxiety or stress you’re experiencing gets worse.

If in doubt, stick with water or decaffeinated drinks instead.


Be careful if experimenting with new makeup products



Creating the ideal look for your wedding day is crucial to help you feel confident and at ease. You may already have your favorite makeup ready for the big day, whether you plan to apply it yourself or leave that to a professional.

However, if you’re trusting your makeup to someone else, or you have all-new products you want to try, be careful. Your skin could have a bad reaction to certain ingredients, which may trigger visible blemishes or redness that’s hard to cover up.

Make sure you do a patch test to find out if any new products will affect your skin in a negative way.


Keep tissues within reach for later


Weddings are emotional. Even the most stoic groom or bride could shed a tear or two when they see their partner walking down the aisle.

Crying is a problem if you’re wearing makeup: even just a few tears could ruin the look you spent so long perfecting. Keep tissues nearby, either in your own pocket or in someone else’s, so that you can minimize any disruption to your gorgeous appearance.


Schedule your wedding day morning carefully



Even if you take a more laid-back approach to wedding planning than most couples, you still need a schedule to follow. And that’s true on the morning of your wedding day, before the main event has even gotten underway.

Make a note of everything you need to fit into your morning. Shower? Check. Eat breakfast? Check. Look over your self-written wedding vows again? Sure. Give the best man or maid of honor the wedding rings for safekeeping? Absolutely.

Leave yourself enough space to handle every chore and still have time to spare. Plan what time you’ll get up, what time you’ll eat breakfast, and so on.

That leads us onto the next essential thing to remember on the morning of your wedding day …


Try not to pack too much into your morning


When scheduling your wedding day morning, be realistic about the time available and be fair to yourself. You can only do so much. Friends and loved ones may have questions, but you simply might not have the capacity to answer them all without short-changing yourself.

Cram too many tasks into your morning and you’re likely to feel irritated or exhausted by the time you get to the venue. You want to feel in a fantastic mood when exchanging vows, not stressed and underprepared.


Delegate little jobs to be done to your friends and relatives



One of the simplest ways to stay calm and avoid being bogged down by last-minute jobs is to delegate responsibility to friends and relatives. They love you and will be happy to help, especially if you let them know that you’re struggling to make time for everything you need to take care of.

Taking food to the venue, picking up a late arrival from the train station, bringing your spare shoes from home — don’t be afraid to ask for help with small jobs like these.


Pack any emergency products you might need


Planning ahead for any little issues that may arise can give you much-needed peace of mind on your wedding morning. For example, band-aids for your feet if you’re not used to wearing high heels, hair products to maintain your look, and a perfume atomizer could all prove helpful.


Don’t put too much pressure on yourself



You’ve invested a lot of time, money, and energy into planning your wedding day. You’ve found the perfect wedding rings, the perfect venue, the perfect dress, and the perfect food. You have friends and loved ones coming to celebrate with you, and you want to ensure everyone has a good time.

With all this in mind, it’s easy to put an unfair amount of pressure on yourself. Try to relax and remember that you’ll still have a special day, even if not everything goes exactly to plan. Otherwise, you could find yourself stressing over tiny details when you should be focusing on the beauty of the day instead.


Remind yourself to make the most of your special day


Last but not least, remind yourself that your wedding day is about you and your partner. Don’t spend so much time with your friends and family that you forget to be together as a couple throughout the day. Remember to relax, dance, chat, laugh, and just enjoy one another’s company.


Final thoughts



The morning of your wedding is a time to relax and prepare yourself for one of the biggest days of your life. Everything from checking that your wedding rings are secure to ensuring that the food is ready can take up precious time on that morning. But allow yourself the space to relax, keep things in perspective, and remember why you’re getting married in the first place.

If you’re looking for the ideal men’s and women’s wedding rings, browse Madani’s exquisite collection today.

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